Coffee, Rhum, Sugar & Gold
Exhibition Branding Case Study

Augmented Reality Web App
We worked with DulceDotcom to build a web-based AR app that recognizes exhibition artwork through a phone camera, triggering videos of the artists & curators discussing their work. It works smoothly in the galleries as well as in the exhibition catalog.
See for yourself at interactive.moadsf.org/crsg
Coffee, Rhum, Sugar & Gold: A Postcolonial Paradox is an exhibition that looks at the legacy of European colonialism in the Caribbean through the work of 10 contemporary artists. Whether connected to the Caribbean by birth or focused on the region by choice, the exhibiting artists use their work as a means of examining the relationship between the power structure, those who are controlled by it, those who benefit from it, and those who actively seek to liberate themselves from it.
The exhibition title is inspired by some of the core products that have historically been produced in, and exported from the Caribbean to the rest of the world – with a focus on Europe. Coffee, Rhum, Sugar & Gold remain highly valuable commodities and commercially important goods. However, because of their ubiquity, and the passage of time, these items have lost much of their historical gravity and visibility as key drivers of European colonialism.
For a deep dive into the background of this exhibition, download the Educator Resource Guide.

Artists in this exhibition
Andrea Chung
Phillip Thomas
Lucia Hierro
Adler Guerrier
“We might consider that colonial discourses have been successful because they are so productive: they enable some colonizers to feel important, superior, noble and benign, as well as gaining the complicity of the colonized by enabling some people to derive a sense of self-worth and material benefit through their participation in the business of Empire.”

Source material for color reference

Black & white concepts draft

Full color spec 1

Rejected concept: cargo/ redactions

Rejected concept: soundwaves

Color & texture elaborations on chosen lockup

Stamped texture test

Full color spec 2: rejected grunge texture

Final lockup with electric green for contemporary flair

courtesy of Fox Nakai