Paul T Plale • Visual & Type Designer

Digitalia: Art & The Economy of Ideas



The First Augmented Reality Museum Exhibition in San Francisco

This exhibition was created in collaboration with YesUniverse & EyeJack

This exhibition was created in collaboration with YesUniverse & EyeJack

Celebrating afrofuturism, net art, animation, XR, & gaming experiences through the lens of fine art

Yuwote Charvet

Yuwote Charvet

Logo is set in Sweet Sans Light and Yuwote Charvet: an afrofuturist typeface designed in Nairobi, Kenya by Kevin Karanja.

New Palo Alto by Iddris Sandu

New Palo Alto by Iddris Sandu

Some pieces were accessible by bespoke apps and viewing technology

EyeJack translates wall text from Yuwote Charvet to the more legible Sweet Sans

EyeJack translates wall text from Yuwote Charvet to the more legible Sweet Sans

Many pieces were activated from static images or glyphs into audio/visual works via the EyeJack app.

Photo Mar 25, 11 17 28 AM.jpg
Photo Mar 25, 11 17 46 AM.jpg
invitation & ar instructions

invitation & ar instructions

Screen Shot 2019-11-15 at 3.34.31 PM.png
Bus Queen

Bus Queen

On the sides of MUNI buses and in BART subway cars

BART Subway ad

BART Subway ad

Encouraging a captive audience to try AR for the first time with a big WOW moment

Logo Design

Logo Design

Process from inspiration through concept to final application